
6 Signs Your Essay Needs to Be Rewritten

Writing assignments have to be the worst type of academic tasks. Most students will agree that all of the different types of essays they need to complete for important credit towards the final grade is their least favorite part of education. Whether it is for a language course or a critical study on any number of topics in a highly specific or streamed branch of a certain field, no student goes home happy once their teacher or professor issue them such homework.

No matter how boring they are and how miserable they can make an average high school or college student feel, they are an important thing in our education. Writing is a crucial skill to develop for your later life, even if you will never write something like that again in your professional career. Writing helps stimulate the brain and challenges you to think in ways you would otherwise never have to. You can learn a lot about the topic at hand, but as well as yourself and what your viewpoints and ideas are in terms of the subject at hand.


Writing is Important

Therefore, accept the fact that you will have to write much more than you would agree is necessary during your education and embrace it. It will be easier for you and you will finish each task sooner while feeling happier during the writing process. Speaking of the actual writing process, you have to know when you are doing well and when your essay is actually written in a way that completes the objective.

If you are always uncertain about the quality of what you have written, maybe you should look for the signs that clearly state you did a less than desired job. In this article you will learn what a good essay has to have, or rather, what are the signs that your essay is lacking and needs rewriting. To learn more about this, make sure to check out and browse their essay writing services.


1. A Confusing Argument

The very objective of an essay is so express your attitudes and viewpoints on a given subject and provide quality supporting arguments that make sense. You do not have to convince the reader that you are right, but you should make them question their own standpoints on the matter. If your argument is confusing and weak, the whole structure of the essay will be shaken up and barely hold together. This is visible throughout the whole work and it does not take long for an average reader, especially your professor, to notice that your work is not satisfactory. Once you complete it, it is important to go back to it and read it aloud from the start. Check if the argument makes sense by trying to answer these two questions. Is my argument backed up by strong facts and evidence? Does each point of my argument have a separate paragraph? If the answers to both questions is positive, you do not have a confusing argument and your essay will probably yield good results and more than enough credit to help you pass the course with a good grade.


2. Too Broad Thesis

The thesis statement is the most important sentence in the whole essay, and at the same time the part most students struggle with. It should summarize the point of the whole written work and indicate which direction your essay is going to take. Basically, it is what helps your reader decide whether or not they would like to continue reading your essay so it has to be done well and be intriguing and inviting at the same time. If it is too broad, the reader will lose themselves in it and still not know what the essay is going to be about. By having such a broad thesis, you risk losing your reader right then and there, before they even got to your supporting arguments. The statement needs to be narrowed down enough and make clear points about your argument which is to come. You cannot address a broad subject with one thesis statement since it requires more resources, ideas, and perspectives, all of which imply more writing. When you revise your essay, determine whether or not the thesis talks about an idea and how broad. Narrow it down to one specific aspect is it feels to wide.


3. Drifting Away from the Subject

Getting carried away does not only happen with things you care about a lot. You have probably lost yourself in your hobbies numerous times over or stayed out way too long during a weekday because you simply had too good of a time to pay attention to the clock. The same can happen with writing and you do not even have to enjoy it. Drifting away from the subject and writing something that is too different from the title and the objective, or what you had in the first paragraph, is not something you want with your essay writing. Staying on point throughout the entire essay is prevalent for it to make sense and for you to pass the assignment with flying colors. Stay on subject and do not drift away. Sticking to the topic and refraining from mentioning things that do not relate to the main idea is not easy, but if you want to do well on your future essay tasks it is something you should definitely know how to do. If you realize you have drifted away from the main subject while you proofread, remove the parts that deviate too much from the main idea of the essay and rewrite the rest of the sections.


Additional Advice:

  1. Do not have a dull introduction. The initial paragraph contains both the thesis statement and the hook so it is important that you make it interesting and engaging.
  2. Keep the flow of your essay going as you move from the beginning to the end. Try not to have a dry spell where you barely touch on an important argument or a supporting element.
  3. Have a purpose for writing other than completing a task for credit. Fake it until you make it if you have to. It is hard to make yourself do something you dislike just because you have to.

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