
Online Vs Traditional Estate Agents – Which One Should You Use

Although modern everyday life has been pointing us to global digitalization for years, we were increasingly using the internet and saving time by paying our bills online, sharing information, finding old friends on social networks, and even shopping for clothes and groceries for our household, not a single year has shown us how important and great the Internet can be in our lives.

Living for more than a year in the midst of a global pandemic that makes us struggle with something invisible, a virus, for which until recently there was no cure when immunization is unfortunately still far away, we learned how to cope with the smallest and biggest challenges in life from the comfort of our own home. And yes, “from the comfort of our own home” was something we enjoyed at the beginning of the pandemic, and it was a welcome change in our lives, it was like a forced vacation that we all really enjoyed, even if only secretly. Realistically, until last year, most of us did not know what it was like to work from home, to practice from home, to take a foreign language course from home. Many companies whose business was unthinkable practicing from home have found a way to present themselves online in order to stay afloat and not be brought to the point where they have to close their business due to the pandemic. Thus, private language schools and fitness centers have found ways to transfer their knowledge through online platforms and keep their customers in shape, the stores whose goods were previously only available in their branches have opened webshops, even ordinary supermarkets found a way to deliver the groceries to their customers through delivery so that they do not have to leave their home.

An often not considered alternative to estate agents is to use a cash home buyer – they allow you to sell in as little as 7 days, offering an alternative to the traditional market, you can find out more here:

Source: NEST Estate Agents

On the other hand, many people lost their jobs, were forced to sell their property to keep themselves afloat, and so, ironically, the real estate market never calmed down. Also, many people, as we did not have the opportunity to travel, spend money on social events and gatherings, saving the money we spent on travel and food for work, clothes because we really did not need new clothes for quarantine days, decided to invest right now in their own home, maybe first, maybe new. Some decided to renovate, some to buy a new home. But here the question arises, how to choose a new and suitable home without putting ourselves in danger of infection and to respect the measures to fight the virus?

Almost every estate agent has their own website, like Valu Villas, where you can browse through every available real estate that they currently have. Well-designed websites even have so-called feature filters where you can choose the desired size of the apartment/house, a more specific location you prefer, and all the other features that you think are important when searching and choosing your new home and even location. for your business. It is easy to choose bread in the online supermarket, we even learned to successfully and quickly find the size and style of clothes and shoes without trying them – with a simple click in the webshop, we even mastered web banking and purchasing larger items for the home such as a new coffee table or a rug for the nursery, but can we indulge in images and instinct when it comes to choosing our own home?

Source: NeighborWebSJ

1. Online Market Overview and Offers

The online estate agents offer us an overview of the market and the options without having to leave our home. Pictures from every corner of the house and even virtual tours around the permeases offer us almost a realistic view of everything that the house offers that seemingly meets our criteria. Information about the size and price and even the condition of the house/apartment is available quickly and easily and all this without exposing ourselves to additional travel costs as well as investing time in considering potential facilities.

Source: International Disability Alliance |

2. Staying safe and sound

Although scientists have found a vaccine against the virus, still the best measure to protect against the virus is one that says we should not leave our home and mingle with people. So online browsing is the best and safest way to protect yourself and your loved ones from the virus.

Source: Loans

3. Estimation of the real offer

No matter how much time we spend researching and reviewing images, we are all aware that with the tools available to anyone nowadays an image, object, or even an entire house can be very easily made up and brought to perfection even though in reality it is not is the case. So, despite all the positive aspects of online offers, what traditional estate agents offer is a visit to the object you are interested in and the opportunity to overlook and see for yourself the condition of every corner, every wall, every item, the view through every window, sanitary condition, the smell of the house. All these details are important while evaluating the amount requested for redemption, measuring the financial possibilities given that many of the facilities require renovation. Traditional agents offer you a complete tour of the potential house, and sometimes the crucial part of making such a big decision is the feeling when you enter a room that no image can provoke.

Source: Loans

4. Bargaining

Price plays a big role in decision-making, so bargaining is the last but important part of the whole process. Convincing, talking, and agreeing on a price is much easier and more realistic if both parties make that in person, face to face, as opposed to emails that are impersonal and cold if you also use the online version of bargaining.

Weighing all the pros and cons of online vs traditional estate agents we can not decide which option is best for you despite all the benefits offered both ways. The most important thing for each client is to weigh the options for himself and to choose the one that suits him best.

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