
How Long Do Veneers Last on Teeth?


People usually agree that the most important thing in life is health. This makes a lot of sense because without being healthy and feeling well one cannot really hope or plan for much else. Health comes in so many different ways since our body and mind are so complex and diverse. Making sure that your health is on a high level is crucial because only then will you be able to do other things like focusing on your career, education, and hobbies. As mentioned, there are different aspects and sides of human health. Some are more important and crucial, others seemingly not as much. We usually tend to focus most on the serious araes like the heart for example, forgetting about other parts of the body that can have problems developed much faster and more often.


The Importance of Dental Health

One such region of the body is the mouth, particularly the teeth. Dental hygiene is among the most important because of how much we use the mouth every day. The teeth, together with the gums and the tongue, are some of the busiest organs in the human body and as such they need to have proper hygiene and health. Going to the dentist, brushing, and flossing are the basic things everyone needs to do if they mean to have healthy teeth and a shiny smile. However, there are some dental issues that cannot be fixed with proper hygiene because that is not the core problem. For the teeth to be healthy and for you to be able to use them without discomfort and pain, they need to be aligned and have enough room to operate. Also, chipped and cracked teeth need something else other than braces to fix them. All of this is of course done with special apparatuses that correct the teeth and align them properly.

New Solutions

For decades the dental industry’s solution for imperfect teeth in order to give the patients a more beautiful smile and confidence used to be braces. They are still very common, they still present a great option to pick, and they are more and more affordable. However, thanks to new technologies and advancements in the orthodontist field, it is not veneers that are the more preferred option. Veneers, or clear aligners, are a much more efficient solution if you want more comfort and good-looking teeth. Having wiring and plates on the teeth is not really the perfect solution. It never was. It takes a lot to get used to it, there are limitations to what you can drink and eat, and there are braces that you cannot remove.

A much easier and more optimal thing to wear would be veneers. They have overtaken braces on the market as more and more people opt for the softer, barely visible aligners that can be removed at any moment instead of traditional braces. If you want correctly aligned teeth and a perfect smile that will give you an amazing confidence booster, veneers present the best course of action right now. But before going for it you must learn a thing or two about them. In this article, we talk about the longevity of veneers, particularly about how long they can last on the teeth. Continue reading to learn about this and be sure to check out this website for additional information about veneers.


Different Types

The longevity of a veneer depends on the material used to make it. Veneers are thin shells made either of porcelain or of composite filling material. They are bonded to the teeth and are able to shape the teeth according to what the patient needs. Veneers can change the length, color, position, and surface texture of the teeth in question. Veneers are glued to the enamel in the teeth in order to do this. When bonded entirely and when the whole thing is done correctly, they can last for as long as 20 years without any sort of issue, provided you are using the strongest porcelain veneers. With composite veneers, it is much less, usually between 7 and 10 years on average. Following is a more detailed look into both of these types for more context on how long you can expect them to last you.

Porcelain (Ceramic) Veneer Longevity

The porcelain used in this sense allows for a strong, beautiful, natural, and lifelike restoration of your smile that nobody will ever really notice. When done by an experienced orthodontist, it lasts for many years. The tight seal between the veneer and the enamel can sometimes last for a quarter of a century without any sort of correction. The ceramic is hard, durable, smooth, and comfortable. It does not stain over time so that is never really an issue for replacement. However, just like the teeth, after many years of wear and tear, they can chip or even break, or at least weaken. Slight staining and gum recession can be expected after some 14 to 18 years, which is already a nice amount of time to have the same set. In any case, porcelain is always the way to go with veneers.


Composite Veneer Longevity

On the other side of the spectrum from porcelain (ceramic) veneers are composite materials. They are more cost-effective, easily applicable, and made with digital or wax designs. They experience much more wear and tear and are quite prone to staining, chipping, pitting, and discolorations. They are not nearly as durable as porcelain veneers. They advertised longevity ranges anywhere from 7 to 10 years, with the 10 year mark being something not many of them reach. In addition, there will be several corrections along the way as composite veneers need touching up over the years. Between the 7 and 10 year marks, they will have already started staining and chipping. Bleaching is possible and it is usually necessary when there are cases of increased discoloration. Bleaching can prolong their life by a couple of years but a replacement will eventually be the only thing that can be done. Replacing veneers takes a small part of the enamel too, meaning each time you have veneers attached they will be less effective than the previous.

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